
Memes also tagged "Amazon":


cringe memes Cringe, Cinder, Amazon text: terriamon my mailman when i order another cinder block


Comics Hoe (from litterboxcomics), Minecraft, Amazon, Oad0, OC, Mario text: NEVER WASTE DIAMONDS ON A HOE! 33 Litter oxcom;cg.com ..OH. wur DID rou WHERE DID YOU HEA- egca gauge I


other memes Dank, Amazon, Bezos, Russian, Jeff Bezos, CEO text: When you are the richest man in the world and can do basically anything When your workers demand a 20 cent raise


Political Memes Political, Amazon, Bezos, VAT, Maybe, Jeff Bezos text: Public Citizen @Public_Citizen So cool to see the billionaires giving back in a time of crisis. Why donlt we make this a regular thing? Perhaps annual? Their Idonationl could even be based on a percentage of their income. Maybe the IRS could oversee it?


Political Memes Political, USPS, Trump, Republicans, GOP, Amazon  May 2020

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